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Lab for Retinal Cell Biology

Publications 2011

Heynen, SR., Tanimoto, N., Joly, S., Seeliger, MW., Samardzija, M., Grimm, C., (2011).
Retinal degeneration modulates intracellular localization of CDC42 in photoreceptors.
Mol .Vis. 17:2934-2946.

Joly, S., Pernet, V., Samardzija, M., Grimm, C., (2011).
PAX6-positive Müller glia cells express cell cycle markers but do not proliferate after photoreceptor injury in the mouse retina.
Glia, 59(7), 1033-1046

Lange, C., Heynen, SR., Tanimoto, N., Thiersch, M., Le, Y-Z., Meneau, I., Seeliger, MW., Samardzija, M., Caprara, C., Grimm, C., (2011).
Normoxic activation of hypoxia inducible factors in photoreceptors provides transient protection against light induced retinal degeneration.
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci, 52(8): 58725-5880.

Kostic, C., Crippa, S.V., Oignat, V., Bememans, A.-P., Samardzija, M., Grimm, C., Wenzel, A., Arsenijevic, A. (2011).
Gene therapy regenerates protein expression in cone photoreceptors in Rpe65R91W/R91W mice.
PLoS One, Feb 3;6(2):e16588.

Caprara, C., Thiersch, M., Lange, C., Joly, S., Samardzija, M., Grimm, C., (2011).
HIF1A is essential for the development of the inner deeper plexus of the retinal vasculature.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 52(5): 2109-2117.

Lange, C., Caprara, C., Tanimoto, N., Beck, S., Huber, G., Samardzija, M., Seeliger, M., Grimm, C., (2011).
Retina specific activation of a sustained hypoxia-like response leads to sever retinal degeneration and loss of vision.
Neurobiol. Disease, 41, 119-130.